Praktische info

  • Datum: dinsdag 23 mei 2023
  • Tijd: 19.30 tot 21.00 uur
  • Plaats: Aviodrome Lelystad
  • Onderwerp: Past and Future Evolution of Aero Engines
  • Door: Arvind Gangoli Rao
  • Aanmelden: uiterlijk 20 mei mailen naar [email protected]

De lezing is in het Engels. Na afloop krijgen we een rondleiding door de expositie "Sneller dan het geluid" in Aviodrome.


The first part of the talk will discuss the contribution of Aero Engines to aircraft development and will discuss the evolution of engine over the last several decades. The second part of the talk will cover the climate impact of aviation and possible options for future engine configurations that are designed towards lowering the climate impact.

About Arvind Gongoli Rao

Dr. Arvind Gangoli Rao, is as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft and heading the group on Sustainable Aircraft Propulsion. Dr. Gangoli Rao is a specialist in aircraft propulsion and has worked on a variety of problems related to gas turbine combustion, turbine cooling and engine architectures. Dr. Gangoli Rao has authored around 80 publications. Dr. Gangoli Rao has been involved in several other EU projects and was also the coordinator of the EC funded AHEAD project ( Currently he is leading the APPU project ( which deals with the use of LH2 for the next generation of airbus single aisle aircraft. He is a member of the ACARE (Advisory Committee for Research and innovation in Europe) working group on Energy and Environment and board member of the International Society of Air Breathing Engines (ISABE).

Dr. Gangoli Rao obtained his masters and PhD from Indian institute of Technology, Bombay, India. After his PhD he worked at Technion: Israel Institute of Technology as a post-doctoral researcher for around 3 years. He then join the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft in end of 2008.